270+ Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Sanskrit – विवाह वार्षिकोत्सव शुभकामनाएं

Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Sanskrit: Love is a timeless journey, and a wedding anniversary marks a significant milestone along that path. As the years unfold, the bond between two individuals deepens, becoming a testament to enduring commitment, shared joys, and unwavering support. A wedding anniversary is not just a date on the calendar; it is a celebration of the beautiful journey two souls have embarked upon together.

In this article, we will explore the art of expressing heartfelt wedding anniversary wishes words that encapsulate the emotions, memories, and hopes that define a couple’s unique story. Whether you’re crafting a message for your own anniversary or searching for the perfect words to convey your warmest wishes to a beloved couple.

Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Sanskrit - विवाह वार्षिकोत्सव शुभकामनाएं
Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Sanskrit – विवाह वार्षिकोत्सव शुभकामनाएं

Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Sanskrit

Celebrating a journey of love, today marks another beautiful chapter in the book of your marriage. As you reflect on the cherished moments and shared dreams.

Here are seven heartfelt wishes for an anniversary filled with continued joy, laughter, and enduring companionship.

विवाहस्य वर्धापनदिनस्य अभिनन्दनानि।

खलु भवेत् नव युगल जीवने सत्यं ज्ञान प्रकाशः।
वर्धयेन्नित्यं परस्परं प्रेम त्याग विश्वासः।
काम क्रोध लोभ संमोहाः प्रमुच्येत् भव बन्धम्।।

इहेमाविन्द्र सं नुद चक्रवाकेव दम्पती।
प्रजयौनौ स्वस्तकौ विश्मायुर्व्यऽश्नुताम्।।

ज्यायस्वन्तश्चित्तिनो मा वि यौष्ट संराधयन्तः सधुराश्चरन्तः।
अन्यो अन्यस्मै वल्गु वदन्त एत सध्रीचीनान्वः संमनसस्क्र्णोमि।।

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः।।
अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च।
नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः।।

विवाहस्य वर्धापनदिनस्य अभिनन्दनानि। वैवाहिकजीवने सर्वदा शुभं भवतु।

सध्रीचीनान् व: संमनसस्कृणोम्येक श्नुष्टीन्त्संवनेन सर्वान्।
देवा इवामृतं रक्षमाणा: सामं प्रात: सौमनसौ वो अस्तु।।

इहेमाविन्द्र सं नुद चक्रवाकेव दम्पती ।
प्रजयौनौ स्वस्तकौ विश्मायुर्व्यऽश्नुताम् ॥

Also Read: 188+ Happy Engagement Anniversary Wishes 

ज्यायस्वन्तश्चित्तिनो मा वि यौष्ट संराधयन्तः सधुराश्चरन्तः ।
अन्यो अन्यस्मै वल्गु वदन्त एत सध्रीचीनान्वः संमनसस्क्र्णोमि । । अथर्व।३-३०-५

स्वत्यस्तु ते कुशल्मस्तु चिरयुरस्तु॥ विद्या विवेक कृति कौशल सिद्धिरस्तु ॥
ऐश्वर्यमस्तु बलमस्तु राष्ट्रभक्ति सदास्तु॥ वन्शः सदैव भवता हि सुदिप्तोस्तु ॥


विवाह दिनं इदम् भवतु हर्षदम्।
मंगलम तथा वां च क्षेमदम्।।
प्रतिदिनं नवं प्रेम वर्धता।
शत गुण कुलं सदा हि मोदता।।

इन संस्कृत श्लोकों के साथ प्रिय अनुज को सपत्नीक वैवाहिक बंधन की असीम शुभकामनाएं।परिणय बंधन की इस पावन बेला पर हम इस नवविवाहित जोड़े के सफल, सुखद, स्वस्थ्य व उज्ज्वल दाम्पत्य भविष्य की कामना भगवान चित्रगुप्त से करते हैं।

विवाह अनुबन्धम्। शुभं भवतु ॠषि कृत प्राचीन प्रबन्धम्।।

Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Sanskrit Hashtags

Here are some hashtags for wedding anniversary wishes in sanskrit, you can use these hashtags on social media:

  1. #AnniversaryBliss
  2. #LoveUnleashed
  3. #ForeverYours
  4. #AnniversaryJoy
  5. #ToInfinityAndBeyond
  6. #CelebratingLove
  7. #YearsOfTogetherness
  8. #EternalLove
  9. #HappilyEverAfter
  10. #AnniversaryVibes
  11. #MarriageMilestones
  12. #EndlessLove
  13. #TogetherForever
  14. #AnniversaryMagic
  15. #LoveInBloom
  16. #HappyAnniversary
  17. #BlissfulYears
  18. #LoveStoryContinues
  19. #AnniversaryCheers
  20. #AnniversaryQuotes
  21. #AnniversaryWishes
  22. #HappyAnniversary
  23. #विवाहसुख
  24. #प्रेमउत्साह
  25. #विवाहआशीर्वाद
  26. #विवाहान्नंदन
  27. #अनंतताओरपर
  28. #प्रेमयात्राआयोज्य
  29. #साथीकेसाथसाथ
  30. #शाश्वतप्रेम
  31. #विवाहसमृद्धि
  32. #विवाहानुगमन
  33. #हमेशाआपके
  34. #अनंतप्रेम
  35. #सदैवसाथी
  36. #विवाहमहोत्सव
  37. #प्रेममेंखिलता
  38. #विवाहकीखुशियाँ
  39. #हमसाथीहैं
  40. #विवाहिकिजिंदगी
  41. #विवाहमहोत्सव
  42. #वार्षिकोत्सवउद्धरण
  43. #वार्षिकोत्सवस्यशुभकामना
  44. #वार्षिकोत्सवस्यशुभकामना

Wedding Anniversary Blessing Mantras

“As you commemorate the sacred union of your hearts, let the resonance of these timeless wedding anniversary blessing mantras surround you.

Each mantra is a celestial whisper, invoking divine grace and eternal love for a blissful journey ahead:

“सुमंगली भव” (May you Live an Eternal Married Life)
This blessing is given to married women.

“पुत्रवती भव” (May you be blessed with Children)
This one is given to a newly married woman, especially. But can be offered to any woman still not having any children or a male child.

“सौभाग्यवती भव” (May you lead a pleasant life with your Husband throughout your entire life)
This blessing is offered to married ladies.

शीघ्रमेव कल्याण प्राप्तिरस्तु” (May you be blessed with Marriage soon)

इहैव स्तं मा वियौष्टं विश्वमायुर्व्यश्नुतम् । क्रीळन्तौ पुत्रैर्नप्तृभिर्मोदमानौ स्वे गृहे ॥ ऋग्वेद मं०१० । सू०८५ । मन्त्र ४२ ॥ This mantra talks about an ideal married life, or grhastha-ashrama. It says – O Husband and Wife! Remain here only – do not separate. Attain your full ages. While playing with your children and grandchildren, be happy in your own home.

रोचनो रोचमानः शोभनो शोभमानः कल्याणः |
शतमानम भवति शतायुः पुरुषः शतेन्द्रिय आयुष्येवेन्द्रियेः प्रतितिष्ठति || The person uttering this sloka wishes the person that is being blessed with a life of 100 springs in one lifetime; and that too with fully functioning Indhriyams (senses) during that lifetime; and to have all the faculties established fully intact in order to observe the daily chores demanded by life; and to pursue the virtuous way of life be it in the physical, mental, social or spiritual realms.

Wedding Anniversary Wishes in Hindi

Embarking on another year of shared love and cherished memories, a wedding anniversary is a testament to the enduring bond between two souls. As we celebrate this joyous occasion.

Let these heartfelt wishes be a reflection of the warmth and admiration we hold for the couple who continues to inspire us with their love:

जैसे फूल खूबसूरत लगते हैं बाग में,
वैसे ही आप दोनों जचते हैं साथ में !
शादी की सालगिरह मुबारक हो

सुबह से शाम होती रहे,
आपके जीवन की गाड़ी यूं ही चलती रहे,
आपके रिश्ते में प्यार बना रहे,
शादी की सालगिरह मुबारक हो !

दीपक की तरह रोशन रहे जीवन आपका,
दुआ है रब से आपकी जोड़ी सलामत रहे और,
हम हर साल यूं ही सालगिरह की शुभकामनाएं देते रहें !

आप दोनों की प्यारी जोड़ी ऊपर वाले की देन है,
उसे प्यार और समपर्ण से आपने सींचा है,
कभी न उतरे आप दोनों से प्यार का बुखार,
बस इसी तरह बना रहे ये प्यार…

ख्वायिश ऐ ज़िन्दगी बस इतनी सी है कि
साथ तुम्हारा हो और ज़िन्दगी कभी खत्म ना हो
शादी की सालगिरह मुबारक हो

शादी की एनिवर्सरी पर भर सारी शुभकामनाएं। आपके प्यार का जश्न आप दोनों की तरह खूबसूरत हो।

आपका पूरा जीवन ऐसे ही खुशियों से भरा रहे। मेरी पसंदीदा जोड़ी को सालगिरह मुबारक।

मैं आप दोनों के लिए बहुत खुश हूँ। भगवान तुन दोनों की जोड़ी ऐसे ही सलामत रखे। शादी की सालगिरह की ढेर सारी बधाई!

Wedding Anniversary Wishes in English

Celebrating the tapestry of love woven through time, a wedding anniversary is a poignant milestone that reflects the resilience, joy, and growth of a committed partnership. As we extend our warmest congratulations.

Here are some heartfelt wishes, each carrying the essence of enduring love and the promise of a future filled with shared dreams and cherished moments.

Happy anniversary to a couple who continues to inspire and love each other more with every passing year!

Wishing you both a day filled with love, laughter, and beautiful memories as you celebrate another year together.

Congratulations on reaching another milestone in your journey of love. May your bond continue to strengthen with each passing year.

Here’s to the beautiful journey you’ve shared together and to many more wonderful years ahead. Happy anniversary!

May your love story continue to be written with joy, laughter, and countless shared dreams. Happy anniversary!

As you celebrate another year of love and togetherness, may your hearts be forever young and your love forever strong.

Happy anniversary to a couple who exemplifies the true meaning of partnership, commitment, and everlasting love.

May the warmth of your love continue to light up not just this day, but every day of your lives together. Congratulations!

Here’s to the incredible love story you’ve created together. Wishing you both a day as beautiful as the love you share.

Happy anniversary to a couple whose love is an inspiration to all. May your journey together be adorned with joy and bliss.

Congratulations on another year of love, laughter, and partnership. Wishing you a day as special as the love you’ve built.

May the years ahead be filled with even more love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Happy anniversary!

On your special day, may you look back on all the beautiful moments you’ve shared and look forward to creating many more. Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary to a couple who knows how to make love grow stronger with each passing day. Here’s to many more years of happiness!

As you celebrate another year together, may the love you share continue to blossom and fill your lives with joy. Happy anniversary!

Wedding Anniversary Quotes in English

Embarking on the journey of marriage is a sacred commitment, and each passing year becomes a testament to the enduring strength of love. As you celebrate another milestone.

Here are some heartfelt wishes that encapsulate the spiritual essence and joyous blessings for your special anniversary.

“In the sacred dance of marriage, may your souls waltz to the rhythm of divine love, guided by the cosmic forces that bind you together. Happy anniversary!”

“As the lotus blooms amidst the muddied waters, so does your love flourish in the challenges of life. May your anniversary be a celebration of spiritual growth and shared blessings.”

“On your anniversary, may the union of your souls be as harmonious as the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti, two divine energies intertwined in eternal love.”

“In the sacred scripture of your marriage, each chapter reveals the profound teachings of patience, understanding, and unwavering devotion. Happy anniversary to a spiritually enriched couple.”

“May the flame of your love be fueled by the eternal light of the divine, illuminating the path of togetherness on this auspicious day of your anniversary.”

“Just as the river merges into the ocean, may your individual souls merge into a union of infinite depth and boundless love. Happy anniversary on this spiritual journey together.”

“On this anniversary, may the blessings of Lord Ganesh remove obstacles from your path, and the grace of Goddess Lakshmi bring prosperity and abundance to your shared life.”

Also Read: 550 Happy 25th Anniversary Wishes in Hindi

“In the tapestry of your marriage, may the threads of devotion, faith, and spirituality weave a pattern that reflects the beauty of divine love. Happy anniversary!”

“As the sun and moon coexist in perfect harmony, may your partnership radiate the celestial balance that enriches the spiritual essence of your shared existence.”

“In the temple of your love, may the flame of commitment burn eternally, and the echoes of sacred mantras resonate with the blessings of a blissful anniversary celebration.”

A wedding anniversary is not just a marker of time; it’s a celebration of commitment, growth, and enduring love. As we’ve explored various wishes, each sentiment reflects the unique journey that couples embark upon together. Whether infused with spiritual depth or adorned with poetic elegance, these wishes encapsulate the essence of heartfelt blessings.

As the celebratory day draws to a close, it leaves behind a trail of cherished memories and a promise for the future. May these wishes serve as a reminder that in the tapestry of marriage, every thread of love, understanding, and shared moments contributes to a masterpiece that lasts a lifetime.